Monday, March 5, 2012

Warpath Scrapbuilt Gouf SD Wallpaper

Just wanted to share this wallpaper made by my younger brother yesterday. He has way more knowledge and skills on photo editing  than me so I ask him if he could do one for me. Hope you guys liked it..

Thank you dropping by... =)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Warpath Scrapbuilt Gouf SD

It is done! After a long long time I finally finished this project. I started this back in October 2011. I never thought that this would take too much work as I intended this to be a side project. But it turned out that this became probably the most complicated and time consuming build I've ever done. I would like to thank my MAC bros for the support specially Kriz, MatX for the tutorials and DC23. I think I achieved my goal on making this a big hulking monstrosity. I wanted it to have an intimidating and menacing look. Anyways, I now present you Warpath.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Warpath Teaser

Just a little teaser before I finish this build.

Thanks for dropping by...=)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Junkbots Kriz

This Junkbot is dedicated for my good friend Kriz.  As I said way back, this is my simple thank you for the nice things he did, inspiring me to continue working on my Junkbots and giving advice and ideas. I tried to keep this build simple just like my very first Junkbot build and also made as simple base. I just hope he liked it. Thanks again my friend...

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