This build is taking a lot of work. I just hope this will turnout nice when its done...I'm not sure if I can finish this before the year end, probably early next month.
I was thinking of what weapon to give my gouf aside from the ax. I decide to scrap build a Gatling gun for it. Its no my first time to make Gatling gun, I did it way back for my Dynames Custom. I used balloon sticks, pvc pipes, spure and some other scraps. Its still not finish and I will add some details on it. I also made a Heat Rod using twist ties. And as for the ax I'm also going to add more details on it...
Just a little update. I added some detail on the chest. Its inspired by Gear Zulu. I also scarp built an ax made from a sprue and a CD. Its not done and its still on early stage, I'll probably redesign it as I go on. Still needs a lot of clean up.
Its been weeks since my last update. First off, I decided to change the name of my Gouf. It will now be called "Warpath".
Added armor on the left arm and shoulder. I used an SD helmet and some armor part from my scraps. I added spikes on the chest but I'm not sure if I'll keep it.. The tubes on the chest is from a used gel pen and wire. Still a lot of work needed for this build.