Hi, made some update. I’ve used some mini 4wd parts and few zoids parts… I've also used a piece of our old shower(the white round part,heheh). This is not yet final, I'll be making some changes on it and add or change some parts... Here are the pics...
Hi guys. I just want to share a work in progress of mine… It took quite some time since I last made a WIP, been busy lately. I already have one Kanpie finished and this is basically an extra kit of mine. I wanted to make my own version of SD deep striker. It won’t be as accurate like the real one, but I’ll put my personal touch on it… I’m going to scratch built from my scrap and anything I can find useful at home( Hope I won’t use another part from the toilet like I did on my dynames,lol). Anyways here are some pics of my SD kanpie. Scratched built the V fin added new shoulder pads and chest armor. Made some change on the face plate too. I cut some parts on the side of face mask and added new ones.
After weeks of on and off work on this kit I finally finished it. I scratched built the sword and is inspired by Destiny gundams sword. Its made of scraps as usual.. I also made a simple base for it... Here are the pics...
Closer look at the dio...
More shots...
The beam of the sword is removable. It came from a left over clear pink sprue..